Imperial College London > Talks@ee.imperial > Clare E Drysdale's list > 2010 Alec Reeves Lecture: Radio Spectrum: The Untapped Potential for Innovation

2010 Alec Reeves Lecture: Radio Spectrum: The Untapped Potential for Innovation

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  • UserDavid Cleevely
  • ClockWednesday 24 November 2010, 17:30-19:00
  • House408.

If you have a question about this talk, please contact Clare E Drysdale.

Cooper’s Law states that the use of radio spectrum is doubling every 30 months. Regulatory liberalisation, advances in technology and new applications mean that this growth is set to continue, despite spectrum being thought of as a limited resource. How will this be possible? What kind of devices, services and demand will there be? What are the pitfalls along the way? Where will innovation happen, and how big will the impact be?

David Cleevely is an entrepreneur who has founded a series of companies and acted as government advisor.

He is Chairman of CRFS Ltd and ionscope Ltd and was founder and former Chairman of Analysys (acquired by Datatec in 2004), co-founder and former Chairman of both Abcam, and 3Way Networks (sold to Airvana in 2007). He was a prime mover behind Cambridge Network, co-founder of Cambridge Wireless, co-founded Cambridge Angels and is a member of the IET Communications Policy Panel. He was a member of OSAB and recently held an Industrial Fellowship at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory. He is also Founding Director of the Centre for Science and Policy at the University of Cambridge.

This talk is part of the Clare E Drysdale's list series.

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