Imperial College London > Talks@ee.imperial > Control and Power Seminars > Introduction to the Common Information Model (CIM) and Standards

Introduction to the Common Information Model (CIM) and Standards

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This introductory presentation will provide a state-of-the-art overview of the Common Information Model (CIM) as an international standard applied to information and data exchange within electrical power systems and smart grids. The presentation will specifically address the following topics:

Common Information Model (CIM) Overview Fundamentals of CIM CIM Adoption Benefits of CIM

Bio: Prof Gareth Taylor is the Director of the Brunel Interdisciplinary Power Systems (BIPS) Research Centre and was Head of the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering (2019-23) at Brunel University London. He has contributed to over 300 research publications and his current research interests include power system operation, smart grids, renewable energy systems, power system information systems and communications. He was also project coordinator for a 4.2M euro H2020 Energy project (2017-2020/774500) entitled ‘Coordination of Transmission and Distribution data eXchanges for renewables integration in the European marketplace through Advanced, Scalable and Secure ICT Systems and Tools’ TDX -ASSIST. The consortium included Brunel University London, EDF R&D, ENTSO -e, EIMV , Fraunhofer IEE , Nester R&D, OFFIS , INESC, ELES , EG, REN and EDPD . He is an IET Fellow, IEEE Senior Member, Chair of the IEEE PES PSOPE task force on TSO -DSO interaction, and is active in several IEEE Power and Energy Society and CIGRE international working groups and task forces. He was also the elected CIGRE UK Regular Member (2016-22) for Study Committee D2 ‘Information Systems and Telecommunication’. He was also appointed as a Visiting Professor within the Control and Power Research Group, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Imperial College London from 1st October 2023 to 30th September 2026.

This talk is part of the Control and Power Seminars series.

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