Imperial College London > Talks@ee.imperial > Danilo Mandic's list > AI for Education: To Prompt or Not To Prompt?

AI for Education: To Prompt or Not To Prompt?

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Applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) are rapidly changing almost every aspect of our work and lives, especially when it comes to entertainment, multimedia, and recommender systems. Despite the unquestionable potential, the AI has still not found its way into education in a systemetic, scrutinised, and widely accepted manner. This talk is based on some recent initatives of the International Neural Networks Society on AI for education, and also reflects on our own experiences at the EEE Department at ICL . It covers two strands – AI in Education and AI for Education – and revolves around several successful case studies. Special emphasis is on the utility of Large Language Models (LLM) such as ChatGPT, and the opportunities these offer for both students and educators.

Bio: Danilo Mandic is a Professor at the EEE Department at Imperial College London, UK. He has been working in adaptive learning systems, machine intelligence, statistical signal processing, big data and graphs. He is a President of the International Neural Network Society (INNS) and a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society. The material in this talk comes from a number of meetings within the INNS on the future of AI for education.

This talk is part of the Danilo Mandic's list series.

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